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How To Setup Wordpress Article Directory Free

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If you have an interest in adding to your passive income stream, then this may be the tool for you. All you will need is a Word Press site with your own domain name, both of which you can find at If you already have a WP site and domain name, then all you will need to do is watch the video below and follow the steps as they are presented.

The method described in the video is nothing like generating instant blog posts for your blog, in that it relies almost solely on your network and your networks' network to visit your article directory, generate buzz, and create comments.

The author uses notepad to type out the instructions, and is sometimes prone to miss spelled words - but if you will look past the media to the content, you can have your own fully functioning article directory up and running in as little as 30 minutes!

How Does It Work?
What is particularly interesting is that there is no shortage of niche topics you can ascribe to, and even more important, once you advertise your article directory on your favorite social media sites, forums, Facebook friends, etc., you will have no shortage of aspiring authors looking to add value to the niche. Your network will include those most interested and involved in the niche, and as a result they can provide quality articles and insights for others in the niche. This is a win-win since they will get the exposure and credit for their ideas, tips, insights, etc., and you will get value drive fresh content for your article directory!

How Will Others Find My Directory?
In its simplest form, this is multiplication using the domino effect.
You => then Your Network => then Your Networks' Network => and so on.
The process begins with you by creating a quality directory aimed at a particular niche in which you have interest and/or experience. You write and publish a few articles to get the ball rolling, then invite those within your real world and online social network to contribute their expertise. Most people have at least one or two valuable pieces of information they can and want to contribute to the betterment of others.

Driving traffic to your article directory then become almost instantaneous, since everyone who publishes to your directory, will themselves have an exclusive network of friends, family, acquaintances, and others. As they share their newly published articles with them and ask that they visit and comment on it, their network will naturally pass the request and information on the site on to others within their exclusive network. The organic traffic they drive to your article directory will multiply exponentially, as others consume the content and consider adding their own publishable work to your directory.

Other Ways to Generate Traffic?
As I alluded to earlier, you could always approach traffic generation in the same manner that people have been successfully doing for years - blogging! The great thing about blogging is that regardless of the topic for the blog, you can always insert ads to your article directory at the end of the article, or on the sides of your blog. Even better, you can create a host of free blogs, and populate them with continuous content using tools such as Instant Blog Submitter, among others.
(full disclosure - if you sign up for this product I will earn a small fee from them)

So Where is the Passive Income?
You won't gain real passive income unless you have an active and engaged director with members, authors, and visitors re-posting content, Tweeting and re-tweeting articles, sharing across the spectrum of social media. Once that begin to occur there are several strategies you can use to draw income from the site, including AdSense,  selling ad space on your sight, adding affiliate marketing products, etc. A great resource you should visit to get more ideas on how to monetize your site is Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income. You can read his blog, listen to his podcasts, and pilfer through his list of resources for free! And if you'd let him know you found his site by visiting mine, that would be awesome!

You now have all the tools you need to create your own article directory in 30 minutes or less, and start the process of generating passive income from it. I would love to feature your article directory on my hub site, Leadership, Coaching, and Mentoring and share your success story with the world!

Good luck and great hunting!

How long should you keep college details on your résumé?

How Long Should You Keep College Details on Your Resume?

College students have a tendency to throw everything plus the kitchen sink into their resume. This makes some sense. After all, when you don’t have that much experience, you want to list as many qualifications as you have.
Old woman graduate
As you gather more experience, though, there comes a time when you’ll have to cut some of that junk from college. The question is: When?
It totally depends on who you are, what else you’ve done, what you’re applying for and how impressive your degree is. The short answer, then, is keep it for as long as your college experience is a value-add.
Think carefully about what each accomplishment is attempting to demonstrate. Generally, after about two – five years post-graduation, items from college will start to look silly. You don’t have to cut everything at once, though. Some items might make sense to keep for a while, though others should be removed immediately. Some examples:
  • Club Membership: This is usually the first thing to go. Joining a club doesn’t show much about your skills or experience.
  • Leadership Positions: Many club leadership positions don’t mean much other than that you were the most active member or relatively well liked. If you were just VP of Marketing for _____ Club, that really doesn’t mean much. Unless you accomplished something impressive and unusual in that role that’s impressive, I don’t really care.
  • Coursework: This is commonly added for programming or other roles where your classes are directly applicable. But remove this once you get your first job at the latest.
  • Awards: It totally depends on the award. If you were valedictorian, this could be OK to keep for even more than 10 years  — as a single bullet in your college section.
These aren’t absolute rules. I hesitate to even call them rules of thumb.
Ultimately, your resume is supposed to highlight your accomplishments. The more impressive your post-graduation work, the more quickly you’ll drop what you did beforehand. If your experience after school is mediocre, then you might continue to include your college information for a while.
Here are some examples of where you might be justified keeping something for an unusually long time:
  • You were the president of your sorority (graduated 15 years ago), and are applying for a position with someone who was a member but graduated several years before you. This can build a connection with the hiring manager.
  • You’re a programmer applying for a non-programming role that values communication skills (something which people might assume you don’t have). An award like this might be valuable, even 10 years later: “Best Teaching Assistant: Voted by students as the best TA out of 500+ teaching assistants, after earning average ratings of 4.9 / 5.0 on communication skills.”
Ultimately, you need to ask yourself:
  • What does this award demonstrate about me? Does it show general success, or highlight particular skills?
  • Are those skills or attributes valued?
  • Are those skills or attributes adequately demonstrated by other items on your resume?
  • By including this item on my resume, what else am I being forced to remove?

Lessons from the first millionaire online teacher

Lessons from the first millionaire online teacher

Software programming? Yeah it’s an okay way to make a living. But the real money is in teaching.
Or at least that’s the recent experience of Scott Allen, a programmer and teacher the tech-y online education platform
Allen has earned more than $1.8 million through fees and royalties from Pluralsight over the last five years. He says each monthly royalty check has increased in size over that period — the smallest increase being 10 percent month-over-month. That far outdid his expectations when he started making educational videos for Pluralsight. “It’s amazing,” he says.
I got pitched this story this morning with the subject line “Online ed’s first millionaire teacher.” I was drawn to it, because I could imagine the same story being pitched about blogging or online journalism several years ago. There are a lot of parallels between what those two industries are going through, and how each are grappling with the Web’s potential for disruption.
Just as the experiences of Marco Arment with the Magazine, Michael Arrington with TechCrunch, or Andrew Sullivan with the Dish, can’t be readily replicated to every journalist, so to is the experience of Scott Allen not representative of every educator. Tellingly, he doesn’t really consider himself “an educator” — the same way many of the early bloggers who made the most money didn’t consider themselves “real journalists.” The same way a journeyman reporter can’t just up and quit the New York Times, start blogging and watch the dollars roll in, a professor can’t exactly decide to start putting courses online and suddenly count the Benjamins.
Both higher education and journalism have recently had their economic foundations rocked. The purists in both industries are wary of the democratizing potential of the Internet to replace august institutions of old. Meanwhile, others hope the Web may be an answer for solving some of the innate problems: Whether it’s community colleges working with Udacity to teach larger classes or its the New York Times leveraging the innate potential for programmers to engage in story telling ala “Snow Fall.” In both cases there are upstarts who are jumping in with both feet. And in both cases, there are apparently millions to be made by those embracing the medium first.
Is Allen’s story a salvation for education? Hardly. But it may represent salvation for some in the field and a new way to deliver and monetize vocational education by removing buildings and costs and middlemen.
Allen drew a distinction between his type of education, which is filming a course on his own, in his home that’s distributed over Pluralsight — much like a blogger would do — and what a four year institution would teach in a programming class. Allen’s teaching is more tactical, based on learning what can serve you in the real world on a job, versus a four year institution which is laying out the basics that can underlie learning many programming languages. Both, he says, have their place in the world. Similarly, a Ben Horowitz, Fred Wilson, or Paul Graham can write with a different perspective about funding and startup trends than a journalist who has never built a company ever will. A journalist will have more detachment and less bias if they have not gone through it. Both are valuable perspectives.
And computer programming in particular lends itself to this kind of model, Allen says. It’s a hands-on, visual craft being taught in many cases, and one that frequently has a direct ROI for the learner, as opposed to learning about, say, Shakespeare online. I asked Allen what other disciplines he thought would lend themselves to his approach, and he said he’d love someone to do a video teaching him to replace a busted water heater. “Personally I’ve found writing books on software development to be frustrating because it’s visual,” he says. “Things that are hands-on are great in video format.”
It’s worth noting that even on Pluralsight, Allen is a bit of an outlier. The way the model works all the users pay monthly or annual fees and consume as much education as they want. The pool of royalties are then distributed to authors based on that consumption. So I would imagine few Pluralsight contributors do as well as Allen. According to the company the average royalty across all teachers is $40,000, the top ten average out to $250,000, and the top five average out to $400,000.
Allen is an over performer, but even $40,000 is pretty good money for sharing your knowledge over the Web.

What’s starting to emerge if you get past the hysteria in online education is a valuable tool to augment traditional channels. Similarly, I’ve always felt that the either/or debate over whether old media or new media is better is a flawed one. A tech blog isn’t going to have bureaus all over the world like the New York Times to report on issues of international importance. But by the same token a niche publication will probably be deeper sourced into what it covers than a large general interest publication would. Even within blogs, I’ve never gotten up in arms about sites like Buzzfeed or BusinessInsider that have a more entertainment or tabloid feel. When I’m looking for reading material before a flight, I’ll frequently buy a fashion magazine and a copy of the Economist. Not everything has to serve the same purpose.
Still, all of those caveats aside, Allen’s story is an interesting one because of a new hope that it represents, even if it’s not a universal hope for educators. It’s a new hope that there can be real money in vocational education. It’s a new hope of a “citizen teacher” movement the same way “citizen journalists” have frequently augmented the efforts of trained professional journalists. It’s a new playbook for experts to make money beyond the declining world of book publishing.
Allen, like most journalists who have become “overnight successes” in a new media world, stands out because he has worked very hard at being good at what he does. He spent years teaching as an adjunct professor, writing articles and books about programming– in addition to making a living doing it himself. And since he’s been at Pluralsight, he’s filmed some 20 courses, totaling more than 100 hours in length. In both cases, a new medium isn’t a substitute for hard work, institutional knowledge, and talent. It’s not a shortcut. It’s merely a new way to sell and distribute it.
At the end of the day, one of the things that a contributor to a blog and a teacher like Allen have in common is that they take advantage of new ways to repurpose and redistribute the knowledge they have in ways that can help other people. A lot of people are happy to do that for the satisfaction of it. Allen notes that what he loves about teaching is the emails he gets from students who got a job or a raise because of what they learned from him. The money has been a stunning surprise and certainly an added bonus, but not the primary motivator.
New millions aside, Allen plans on continuing to do both programming for clients and teaching those who’d like to do the same because he loves both. The moral of his story? There will always be a market for people who love to teach and do it well, no matter how screwed the economics of education get — the same way there will always be a market for those who practice great journalism.
[Image Credit: City of Vancouver Archives on Flickr]

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Prepping for Academic Success by Dr. Eugene Matthews is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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